Travelling across the world fuels your wanderlust but also carbon emissions at the same time. To help travellers fly greener and join the movement towards a more sustainable future, Changi Carbon Offsets is the latest initiative that Changi Airport Group is taking along its sustainability journey with passengers. 

If you're looking for a way to do your part when traversing the globe, keep reading. We've got a simple and fuss-free way for you to kickstart your eco-friendly journey.

What are carbon offsets and how do they work?

According to the Carbon Brief, carbon offsets involve one source of greenhouse gases compensating another entity to reduce its carbon footprint through carbon offsetting.

For example, when an aircraft takes off into the skies, carbon released into the air contributes to greenhouse gases. While greenhouse gases ensure our atmosphere is habitable, many of them contribute to global warming. 

This is where carbon offsets come in. It allows you to balance your flight’s impact on the environment. For example, by investing in projects that reduce or remove an equivalent amount of greenhouse gases elsewhere. By purchasing these carbon credits for reforestation or renewable energy projects, you are closer to achieving a net-zero carbon footprint and combating climate change.

How can you do your part with Changi Carbon Offsets?

With the launch of Changi Carbon Offsets, you will be able to offset carbon emissions from your air travel simply on the Changi App or online, regardless of the airline you are travelling with. This initiative is just one of the many steps Changi is taking towards a more sustainable future.

The first step would be to calculate your flight’s carbon footprint using Changi's user-friendly carbon calculator. From there, you will find out how your flight will impact the environment, and understand the contribution needed for you to do your part.

To give you a better idea of what it takes for you to do your part, check out the carbon emission calculations for popular destinations frequented by Singapore residents!

carbon and energy outlook with carbon offsetting carbon and energy outlook with carbon offsetting

Heading to Bangkok or Tokyo? It would only take S$4.33 and S$15.08, respectively, to achieve net-zero carbon impact.

international aviation carbon offset credit international aviation carbon offset credit

Offset the thousands of kilograms of carbon emissions from your longer-haul flights to Seoul or London for just S$24.16 and S$34.01, respectively.

If you’d like to do your part for the environment, purchase the carbon credits to offset your impact. After that, you will be able to view your offsets processed on the Carbon Registry.

Curious about the calculation of each flight's carbon emissions? It is actually a combination of many factors. For Changi Carbon Offsets, it is calculated based on international standards and parameters such as flight distance and class of travel.

What projects will my money be funding under the Changi Carbon Offsets programme?

Finally—What projects will your contributions to the Changi Carbon Offsets be supporting? The Changi Carbon Offsets programme supports three projects to counteract the impact of your flight’s emissions on the environment.

1. Anhuang Afforestation Project

mitigating emissions of carbon dioxide mitigating emissions of carbon dioxide

Offsetting carbon emissions through projects like Anhuang Afforestation combats carbon dioxide emissions, mitigating climate impacts and promoting carbon neutrality with 120 million trees planted for a greener future. Image credit: Anhuang Afforestation Project

In Guizhou, China, desertification and soil loss threaten the livelihood of rural communities. This project aims to plant native trees on 39,000 hectares of barren land, to increase biodiversity, reduce soil erosion and improve water conservation.

By purchasing the carbon credits, you are contributing to the planting of an impressive 120 million native trees. This effort ensures the area's conservation for at least 30 years. Even better, the project is set to create over 28,000 jobs, where local communities will actively manage the land and sustain the afforestation activities.

2. Koppal Wind Energy Project

changi airport wind power project changi airport wind power project

By investing in carbon offsets, you support transitioning from fossil fuel combustion to wind power in Koppal, India, curbing greenhouse gas emissions, enhancing energy efficiency, and fostering new job opportunities for local communities.

In Koppal, India, the region relies on coal, diesel, furnace oil, and gas power stations, which has a negative impact on air quality and public health. The funds generated through the purchase of carbon offsets, will enable the displacement of fossil-fuel power generation with wind power, a move that will significantly improve air quality and public health from reduced greenhouse gas emissions.

Additionally, this initiative is also set to create new job opportunities, directly benefiting local communities.

3. Rimba Raya Forest Conservation Project

changi airport forest conservation project changi airport forest conservation project

Invest in Carbon Offsets to protect Rimba Raya, a crucial carbon sink in Indonesia, and support local communities while striving for carbon neutrality. Image credit: InfiniteEarth

Rimba Raya, an area in Central Kalimantan, Indonesia, roughly equivalent to the size of Singapore, is a critical peat swamp forest. The peatlands within this forest store more than twice the amount of carbon found in other forest types, making it a crucial carbon reservoir. Furthermore, it serves as the refuge for the last remaining wild orangutan populations.

Through the purchase of Carbon Offsets, you can play a vital role in preserving this unique ecosystem. The funds generated will actively prevent the burning and conversion of carbon-rich peatlands into oil palm plantations—the activity that contributes to haze in the region. It will also go towards protecting the rich biodiversity of the area and the endangered orangutans. To top it all off, it will improve the quality of life for local communities, including the purchase and distribution of solar lamps to villagers without electricity, the provision of water filters, as well as the establishment of medical clinics.

By starting with something as straightforward and simple as purchasing carbon offsets, we contribute to the collective effort of creating a greener and more environmentally conscious world. Though it may seem like a small step individually, the cumulative effect of such actions makes a significant and positive impact on our planet. Together, these small steps can help pave the way for a more sustainable future.


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